Quote Originally Posted by Sam101 View Post
I suggest learning Gimp before PS. If you get really comfortable with Gimp and can use it well, then it is easier to learn PS than the other way around. That way you can use both programs well and then know what is best for doing something.

What most people do is pirate PS, learn it, and then find extremely difficult to use anything else. Most people that hate Gimp really are just not used to it. That's the worst way to learn them. The ability to switch between programs (not just Gimp and PS) is extremely useful.


Yes of course Gimp has masks.
Oh, and my two cents: find a way to change GIMP's shortcuts into those used in Photoshop. I know there's a script or whathaveyou that takes care of it automatically. You don't want to get used to GIMP's shortcuts and then relearn everything once you move over to Photoshop. I did, and boy was it frustrating!

I did a really quick search and found this page, but I'm too lazy to see if it actually does what it says on the can. But be sure to check it out!