Hi everyone!
Thanks for the quick responses!

@Larb, yeah, I quickly found a way I could pump these out quickly. Most of the time goes toward dungeon design and towards drawing the assets. I'm historically not an artist so I'm learning all this on the fly. For instance, that boat took me a while to figure out. Before I was just using textures and dundjinni assets to make my maps, but this has been far more rewarding and pretty quick as well! That's good advice with the columns. This map has such small rooms, and I have five players, so I didn't want the room to feel tooooo cramped, but I could see problems arising with how they are not centered.

@XCali, good to see you again! I actually finished this map about a week ago, and was working on the canyon battlemap after. I have a game that is starting soon and wanted a city map, battlemap, and dungeon map for the first few sessions. Don't tell them this was practice for my new hobby, to see which style I like best! I decided that I'd keep a centered 'light source' for this map, treating it more like a treasure map than a drawing of a scene. I'll spend some time adding some closer core shadows to the wall though and see how that looks.

Thanks again for the tips, they are so helpful as I'm learning!