Quote Originally Posted by Adfor View Post
Personally I wouldn't think so. Since you're already including a full map of the cave complex, I would think it rather silly to make extra work for yourself.

If you're looking for hooks, I would just include alphabetical/numerical indicators of things that may be of interest to the PC's, that could provide a hook. Say for instance the little skull, make a reason for it being displayed. Maybe it's an animal that isn't native to the land, and is known to be the exotic pet of the anxious teacher that disappeared, leading the party to believe him to have been in the cave recently.

Little snippets like that can convey a lot into the story with little effort on the GM's part.

Hope that helps, I was sort-of unclear as to what you meant by "map pack".


Ah, thanks.

I will make available a dungeon master version of the map with numbers or labels and tie that in with the adventure hooks I write for this.

I would say, if it wasn't for DM's using a TV for showing their encounter maps, then I would probably agree in some way. But, showing the entire map to players right of the bat is quite non-intuitive. VTT's are better in that sense since they have a "Fog of War" tool to hide the map from player and only show the part visible to the actual characters.
Then as a side, it can be used as dungeon/cave tiles for a different adventure without being bogged down by having to use the entire map. Hope that clarifies my thinking progress in making this set.

Also, you mentioned being uncertain about what I meant about a map pack. On stores like DMsguild and DrivethruRPG, you find map packs, which is basically a collection of maps made available as one set.