Hi Tiana. I didn't mean to come off as negative. You mentioned you were working in a program that crashed a lot, so I thought perhaps it's very experimental. Your previous map was so much cleaner in contrast, that's why I thought maybe you're trying things out in something that may be new. Thank you for the feedback on my feedback, I'll try to be less awkward in the future. I was unaware of your workflow, and that the heavy texturing is intentional this time. I thought maybe this program you're working with uses some form of 3D lighting simulation, that's why I used the term "rendering errors", meaning an unusually heavy texture that a rendering engine produces. I wasn't thinking "hey someone could read that differently, especially if they don't use such tools". So thinking about technicalities, I forgot that I am replying to a person who might not appreciate it. I hope you can forgive this.