Hey everyone

This is a world project I've been working on for the past 6 months or so, here and there when I got the time. I've been mainly using Wonderdraft for the whole thing, I find it to be a soothing program for coming up with interesting and pleasant looking scenarios and environments, tho I might end up using it as a base for the final project which i might detail all by hand on Photoshop.

So I tried to be as proper as possible when coming up with this world... I wanted it to be a slice of a hemisphere rather than the entire planet ( sort of like this is all these people know of at the time ), so I started with a basic shape for the lands I thought were okay, then did the tectonics and prominent winds and currents, and with that I mapped out the weather for the region, and from there I started to embellish the map to match the weather and regions. It's rather rough, and definitely not 100% correct, and I did take some liberties with certain areas for the sake of visual appeal...

I have written a LOT for this world, in the process of writing down what the world is, how things work in here, the species, fauna, flora, etc. The whole shebang.

I recently have been attempting to generate the geopolitical maps for countries and nations...

I'm looking for criticism and suggestions to the whole thing, I feel like the more I look at it the more something feels funky about it and out of place. I definitely want it grounded on reality and like a " place that could happen naturally ". I have no idea what I'm doing for the countries regions and borders hah... just placing down colors and seeing what sticks...

Any word is appreciated!
