Many more little things over the past couple days, but they add up to a lot!

I've jiggled around the labels, tweaked the coloring to make that illegible Traders' Rim tag visible, and added color variation on the artifacts' metal plating. Probably most prominently, I did a first cut at coloring and shading the ancient hulk on the lower left. It's lit as if from the galaxy itself. How do you think it works?



Xenophobic and militant, the Free Worlds are a confederation of isolated systems that fiercely resist any outside influence. Residents of the inner galaxy caricature them as nations of pirates and bandits, but the truth is that the confederation has a rigid code of laws that the Free Worlds scrupulously obey – as, under their governing treaties, any member world has the right to enforce that code. When threatened by Babylon or the Dead Ones, the Free Worlds immediately contribute individual militias. However, internally, the individual worlds are almost as isolated from each other as from the other galactic polities.