The challenge: Given a list of thirty words (same for all contestants), choose at least five of those words and create a map depicting an epic quest revolving around those words.

I insisted on using all the words, and I combined them to create place descriptions. I decided to create a map with the little inset drawings for import sites. I'd never tried that before. I drew the inset drawings in ink, then scanned them, refined and added color in GIMP, then inserted them into the main map file. I hope to incorporate the Legendary Gem of Victory into the compass.

Unfortunately, while I completed the inset illustrations in time, I did not have more than the bared beginning of the underlying map done by the end of the challenge. It would not be until August 2018 that I managed to return to this project and do work to create a finished (if rather minimal) underlying map so that I could call it done.
