Righto, completely reworked the coastlines, simplified it a bit (it is a political map, after all).

Given it's 300-400 years in the future a lot has happened politically, for example:

North America:
• Greenland has lost about 30% of it’s land area to a large inland sea.
• After massive disagreements with the Federal Government, Alaska, after being threatened with being returned to Russia, opted for independence (with the exception of the Panhandle). It has since aligned itself with the far Eastern Asian breakaway Republics of…..
• Banks Island, the Queen Elizabeth Islands and Baffin Islands broke away from Canada to join the Arctic treaty lands.
• Much of Florida has disappeared beneath the waves (sorry, Mapmage!)

Central America
• Most of the Islands of the West Indies have joined with what remains of Cuba, and formed a new democratic republic, ….
• Belize has been much reduced in size, and a large portion of the Yucatan has been lost.

South America
• Venezuela has split into two countries, North and South.
• Ecuador has been absorbed into Peru.
• Paraguay has lost half of its area to Brazil, which has in turn lost a lot of area due to the flooding of the Amazon basin, as well as incursions from the North and West, resulting in land lost to Peru, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guina (now Novo Guiana).
• Britain (minus Scotland), have somehow managed to hang onto the Falkland Islands and South Georgia, despite repeated attempts by Argentina to re-occupy them.

New World.jpg

Lots of tidying up and labelling to do - and the colours will probably be much more muted.