Hi Anskotan

I'm interested in this commission, isometric city maps have become somewhat of a speciality of mine and this sounds like a particularly interesting one. You can view my portfolio here. The following 3 maps are particularly relevant for this commission, when viewing them keep in mind that they are all drawn at A4 size. At A3 size and for a city around 1km across the map would roughly be at the same level of detail as the "City of Hollace" map. I also have another isometric map that I am currently in the early stages of creating, you can view a work in progress shot of this on my instagram.

City of Hollace
Wealdwell Island
The village of Spring

In terms of pricing, isometric maps are quite time consuming to draw. For a colour map at A3 size, I would expect to spend 25 - 30 hours working on it so at my non-commercial rate this would come out to somewhere in the range of $330 to $390 (USD). Once the details of the map have been hashed out in more detail I can give you a final price.

You can contact me through the form on my website or by emailing me at minishcartography@gmail.com if you are interested and we can go over your requirements in more detail.