Huge update time! I've done a LOT since I've last posted. The first and most obvious change to my map from last time is that I've colored the surface in accordance to climates. Grass, sand, etc, is different colored based on the climate. Some are more obvious than others, but it looks a looooot better than everything being the same green, in my opinion. In addition, I've also finally added rivers! These are just the major river systems, not every river in the world. Any local/regional maps I do in the future will have more detailed river systems.

Link to the full Imgur Album.

Surface Map

Next up is the same exact image, but with contour lines! Now changes in elevation are more obvious, though it is incredibly noisy.

Surface Map with Contours

Next we have Ley Lines! A bit of fantasy, so sorry for anyone who's here for scientific purism.

Surface Map with Ley Lines

If anyone is interested in seeing any of the previous layers, like wind currents, ocean currents, world grid, etc. with the new colored surface, let me know and I'll be happy to post. Just didn't want to flood this post with a million separate images.

I have a bunch of WIP layers, like resource placements for the ocean (fishing hotspots and reefs), resource placements for land (like location of mines for metals like iron, or non-metals like coal, and also fantasy magical metals, etc.), and I'm about to start FINALLY working on national borders. My world map will have kingdoms soon!