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Thread: Phoenix Nebula and Peregrine Binary Star System

  1. #1

    Default Phoenix Nebula and Peregrine Binary Star System

    So in my 3D graphics thread in the General Discussion forum, I've been working on a series of 3D illustrations of custom ship designs for Spelljammer, as I'm creating and publishing a collection of Spelljammer ships (18 in all), and I'm starting to do all their deck plans now. However, I also needed to introduce 4 new races, and include a Wild Space System, which is the local star system. I'm using my Planet Builder star system generation rules I published in December to create the stat block. But I needed a map...

    Once a trinary star system consisting of Phoenix, a giant blue star (type b), Peregrine, an orange dwarf (type k) and Hawk, a red dwarf (type m) star. 12,000 years ago, Phoenix went nova, pushed the Hawk system into the Peregrine system, and became a dust cloud nebula and stellar nursury.

    First I created the nebula illustration. I created a rough shaped bird in flight model, and imported to Vue Creator through the MetaClouds processor, which converts the OBJ 3D model into 20,000 metaclouds. I added some layers of color and starfields into the nebula to give more color.

    Then using a 3D/2D composited image to create a nebula scape background (which makes it awfully busy), and placed the binary star system done in vector using Xara Designer Pro. I included halo shadows around the labels, planets and orbits so you can see them against the busy background.

    Included the Sparrowhawk shuttle spelljammer vessel with deck plans - the top deck and the lower deck.

    Now I have to make 17 more deck plans - with only one completed. I'm shooting for an early October release as a DM's Guild exclusive product. Enjoy!


    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 09-22-2022 at 05:00 PM.
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  2. #2


    I started the few pages dedicated to monsters, though I'm not doing the monsters yet. I had an idea to pursue, and I had to get it done, before I lost the details in my head. If I put it on the shelf until later, I may forget. So I started the Phoenix Nebula Ecology chapter, with Nebula Life Abounds!

    Describing the vast clouds of astral planktons and diatoms found across space, but concentrated in dust cloud nebulas as they feed on nutrient rich dust. Filter feeders from dog-sized insectoid flyers up to space whales and all between feed on them. They in turn feed the predators, which eventually feed those giant space monsters that make you wonder, what do they eat out here - there's plenty to eat, you just have to hunt for your food. There's an entire food chain out here.

    I needed an illustration for that... (so I just created this in the last hour).


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

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