I have a web serial called Quill & Still, which takes place in the fantasy village of Kibosh. It's a large but not unusually large village, as far as historical villages go, and the setting is a high magic Renaissance. This is a Patreon-supported free web serial, so some people would consider this commission to be for a commercial work and some would not; however, I might in the future make a Kindle Unlimited version of the story, which most people consider commercial work, but I have no expectation of selling merch. I'm hoping to stay under $250, but I will choose quality at a higher price over being cheaper. There's no particular time crunch on this commission. Payment upon completion seems appropriate, though I am willing to negotiate on the subject of a partial payment once a WIP is shown that has the structure layout for the village.

Subject and Elements:
The village of Kibosh is a roughly circular village with a central ring road. It has about 275 buildings, 250 of which are small, one-story houses in sets of five around a communal garden; these can be treated as all identical. The others are various civic structures such as refectories and a library, fortifications, and workshops/businesses. Outside of the village is grasslands, and it would be good to incorporate a herd of sheep/goats some distance from the village, unless matters of scale preclude that.

I'm looking for something in a vintage map style, or something that evokes that style. I am a huge fan of this map, stylistically, for example: . I also, on the more abstract side of the scale, love Francesca Baerald's work ( ), and in particular her maps of Frostgate, Jaws of the Lion, Hirosaka, and Lincapeia.

I am specifically not looking for something in a battle map style.

The map should have insets with a closer look at some of the major civic structures of the village.

I really don't know for sure. Someone told me that I should say "300 DPI and in TIFF format" and I vaguely know what that means.

Artist retains copyright, I get reproduction rights.

I will check this thread intermittently, but you can also email me at aaronsofaer at gmail dot com.