Latest update is that I've worked a lot on the upper bedrooms. Those now have basically all their furniture/items in place. I still need to place furniture and props into the study, since that's still largely empty.

I've added some decorations to the pink parlor on the first floor, but otherwise haven't done much more there. I'm contemplating whether or not to make table settings for the dining room.

On the basement/grounds, I've added in some bushes. I'm working in Photoshop and keeping the bushes as smart objects, since I've also made winter and fall versions. That way, I can easily swap out the versions to make different seasons. Inside, I've completed a few bedrooms and the wine cellar, plus developed the laundry rooms more.

I was hoping to finish this by the end of December, but it looks like this project will continue on into January. Aside from items and furniture, I still need to do shading on the entire thing, especially since I want to create both day and night versions.

Grand Manor WIP 6.png