Quote Originally Posted by JoshuaGoffVisual View Post
Eia CG.jpg

Hi guys, gals & non-binary pals - been a couple years since I last posted. I'd like to present the finished map of my world 'Eia', created in Photoshop, Wilbur and Blender. I've slaved over this world for several years now, and am very happy with how it looks! Unfortunately the file size limit means the smaller town names are hard to read here, mainly because the original image is much larger than this.
Very nice, it has both at the same time the realism of a dem map and the colors of a fantasy painted map , good job.
btw I see you used dem + wilbur , how did you do to not have the mountains get destryed when wilburing the terrain ? I often have that problem when I do aply on dem maps.