He found the man at the place Sue the innkeeper told him : at the southern exit of the village. His barn was not typical, even if there was a mule, hay stacks, outdoor equipment and leather bridles. Half of the area was used as a practice room. An artisanal dummy made of wood and old cloth was in the center, it seemed to be used to train fighting move as well as archery, as the three arrows stuck in its stomach suggested. There also was a forge and many tools which those the guide would be able to fix almost everything, guessed Eerik. He was impressed and felt confident again for his journey.

- Are you Bjorn ?

The man stopped making his tractions.

- I’m looking for a guide.

The man turned to face Eerik. He was really tall with a lot of muscles, the kind of guy you definitely want in your team. He had long red hair, a braided beard. He was barely sweating despite his exercices and still not talking.

- Sue sent me, said Eerik at last.

At this name, the giant finally came to life.

- How is she ?
- She’s well, answered Eerik pretty sure he saw the man blush.
- Fine. Well. Thanks for telling me that, mumbled the giant. Why are you here again ?
- I’m looking for a guide. And Sue told me you were the best I could find.

Flattery seemed to work fine, especially with the key name “Sue”, thought Eerik as the man came to him with a bright smile.

- I won’t say I’m the best, but also, there is not much competition in the field of activity here.
- I need to go in the Maze. I tried by sea, but there was a monster and...
- It’s you with Hasfven ? Small village, stories travel fast, explained the man as Eerik flinched.
- Can you guide me ? asked Eerik, avoiding the question.
- Sure, if you paid, I’ll bring you anywhere.

They agreed on a price, half paid right away, the other half as they come back to Suu in one piece and one silver coin for every three days of expedition. They will meet at the barn the following morning so Bjorn can buy food and all the equipment they’ll need for the trip. Of course, Eerik had to give him some more gold for the guide to fulfill that task.

As Eerik came back the next morning, Bjorn had already charged the equipment on his mule. There was no need to wait more, so they left Suu with the sun rising in front of them.

- Are they some hidden and angry creatures I should know about on our way ? asked Eerik as the village had already disappeared behind them.

- Not that we should really worried about, answered the guide.

Eerik didn't know if that was good or bad omen. His new companion was not the talkative type. He was walking in front with the mule and Eerik noticed that his guide showed a lot of scars on his arms. But he took it as a proof that the man know how to handle the big axe he carried on his back. Even if he hoped his guide would never need to use it, Eerik felt safer.

On the second day, the way led them between two cliffs, which opened at the beginning of a river. They followed the little stream for a while and went on as the water passed through a canyon.

Eerik could see some grass further leading toward green trees on the way and looked forward to walk on something more soft than rocks.

But as they left the rocky path, the mule refused to step into the green field. Bjorn tried everything to make her go further. But he wasn’t able to make her move on. Instead, she started to step backward.

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