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Thread: Eerik’s New Job (1/11)

  1. #1
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    Default Eerik’s New Job (1/11)

    Eerik was a bounty hunter. The best you could find in all the Northern Maze. Even in all the northern kingdoms. As a proof, if you really need one, there is the top three of his catch list : the greatest pickpocket of all times known as Sneaky Sven; the Goat Bearer who could steal the horse you were seated on; and, more recently, the dreadful pirate Helga the Magnificent.

    Unfortunately, Eerik ended up out of targets : no more wanted outlaw were reported in the Northern Kingdom. And he was the only one to blame for his lack of job : he caught them all. As he didn’t want to move to another country, Eerik decided to switch profession. From now he would be a treasure hunter.

    In his mind, it was a much more easy job. You seek your target (that’s something he was really good at), when found, dig it up, grab it and… done ! All you have to do then is live a long, prosperous and wealthy life. With the job of chasing outlaws, it’s not that convenient. Some fight back and you get hurt, other escape and you need to chase them again. Then, on the way to the jail, they wouldn’t show any good will, making the path to reward long and painful. Even more if you have to drag them instead of tied them on a horse. And don’t forget those who wipe all the way, cry for mercy, implore your good heart, negotiate their freedom.

    Of course, none of this would happen with a pretty amount of gold and jewel. Treasure hunting is such a smoother job. So was thinking Eerik. What a fool !

    The only problem he could think of was : how could he get a treasure map ?

    As he wandered between the booths of the town’s market, he heard some merchant bragging that he was selling everything, even the most unexpected item one could wish for. Eerik headed toward the voice and examined the merchant from some distance. He was a tall man, with a small belly, a shaved skull, a red beard perfectly cut, a walking stick and an eyepatch on his left eye. He spoke in a very confident voice. A bit too confident, thought Eerik.

    - Looking for something ? The merchant hailed him.
    - Maybe, answered Eerik, cautious.
    - Anything you need, I have.
    - I doubt it.
    - Try me.
    - Really. I’m pretty sure you don’t have what I’m looking for.
    - Come on, the merchant said with a sirupy voice, I may surprise you.

    Eerik sighed before answering :

    - I’m looking for a treasure map.

    Speechless, the merchant glared at him with big wide suspicious eyes.

    - As I said, added Eerik, you can’t help me.

    He turned over and started walking through the market when he felt someone grabbing his coat.

    - Sire. Wait, I can help you, said the merchant in a low voice Eerik could barely hear. But you shouldn’t ask for that out loud.
    - Why ?
    - Because they may be some bad people listening around. And you don’t want that people to steal your treasure map.
    - No. Sure I don’t. But I don’t either have any treasure map to be stolen.
    - Yet.
    - You really selling everything, do you ?
    - Yes sire.

    The merchant looked around carefully, dive in an inside pocket of his jacket and put some piece of leather in Eerik’s hand.

    - The map, explained the merchant.

    01 Northern Maze cuir.png

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    Eerik glanced quickly at it. He recognized some landscape, mountain and sea, and a red X shoving some location. As the merchant was nervous, Eerik folded and hid the map in his hands.

    - Is it real ?
    - Of course.
    - What proof you get ?
    - There is a red X on it.
    - You could have drew it.
    - Ok. Yes, I could have. But I swear this is a real one. And it’s a bit expansive. For it’s real, you know.
    - How much ?
    - Ten golden coins
    - Yeah, expensive !
    - But you’ll get a treasure...
    - Why didn’t you went for it ?
    - I’m not in a perfect shape for that kind of adventure, answered the merchant showing his eyepatch and his stick.
    - Oh, I see.

    Eerik considered his options for a while. He bargained a bit, making the merchant think for a while. Then he frowned, spat in his hand and offered it to shake in agreement. Eerik put eight golden coins in the moist hand and thanked the merchant before leaving.

    His treasure map in one of the many secret pocket of his coat, Eerik took a cab from Pââoma to the closest harbor : Ei Missään. There he bought some climbing equipment because the X on the treasure map was up in the mountain. It was also not far from the sea in one of the many fjord of the island. Going by foot would have been hazardous because the land up there was a real maze. As all the Kingdom. And if the treasure was not moving like a human target, it had no highly frequented road nearby. So he started looking for a small boat with a crew to hire.

    Eerik asked almost all the sailors of the harbor if he could hire their boat and crew to reached a specific destination in the North. They all seemed interested, as he mentioned he would paid some gold for the trip. But as he showed the location he wished to go on a paper map (he bought a new one to show the destination, he wasn’t fool enough to show the leather with the X, the treasure wasn’t to share), they all said it was not on their path or that they should go on plain sea to fish, not in some fjord. They all provided an excuse not to go there.

    There was only one boat left and Eerik took a deep breath for good luck before asking his request. The captain, a big slim guy named Gunnar with a foreign accent and legs that looked like two frail canes agreed with a loud friendly voice. He didn’t even watched the paper map.

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    Default Eerik’s New Job (3/11)

    That should have warned Eerik. But he was so glad to find a crew, he didn’t think further.

    So Eerik sailed up north with his fresh hired longship. He showed the place where he wanted to land on the paper map and captain Gunnar lead his boat toward the fjord. The oldest one of the crew member was nervous as they navigated between the high mountains marking the entry of the fjord. He started to mumble warnings about shallows, monsters and hazardous winds. Or maybe was it prayers. The more they went on, the paler he get.

    Suddenly, the old sailor shouted some really bad insults, jumped in the water and swam back to the open sea. Startled by his behavior, Eerik felt a bit worry. He looked forward into the fjord, where the old man was staring and saw some wave coming toward the boat. As it approached, the wave grew bigger, foam formed after it but as it was about to reach the boat, it disappeared.

    - What the hell, started captain Gunnar who was stopped by a dreadful complaint behind them.

    They all turned around and caught a last glimpse at the old sailor as he was dragged under the water by a giant mouth full of teeth.

    - Giant sea snake, said captain Gunnar.
    - We are so dead, replied a sailor.
    - Take your harpoons, ordered captain Gunnar. Be ready to shoot and kill it.

    Eerik flattened on the bottom of the boat as the three man waited for the monster to show, harpoons ready. But everything was quiet. The water was still like nothing happened.

    - Maybe he had enough dinner, whispered a sailor.
    - Or he is afraid of us, said the other one pointing his gun toward the water.
    - That would be nice, wouldn’t it ? mocked captain Gunnar.

    They kept staring, but nothing came out of the sea. Eerik didn’t felt reassured by the stillness, on the contrary, his fear grew as the minutes went by.

    Unfortunately, he was right to be afraid. Emerging from under the boat, the giant sea snake jumped out of water grabbing the sailor that was bending over to look for the monster. One could say he found it. Instead of disappearing into the sea as he did on the first strike, the snake swallowed the man and headed for captain Gunnar. He threw his harpoon, but barely scratched the monster and made it angry for more blood and destruction. The snake dived across the boat, destroying it in a maelstrom of wood, water, foam, rage, body parts and flying gears.

    06 serpent.png

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    Default Eerik’s New Job (4/11)

    Eerik grip some wooden board, closed his eyes and waited for his death. But nothing happened. The monster seemed fed enough with four people and vanished. The water was still again.

    He paddled with both arms to reach the shore. According to the map, the treasure was nearby. He just needed to climb up that cliff. But the mountains around the fjord fell directly in the sea. No way up was at sight.
    As the night started to fall, Eerik started to feel thirsty and hungry. He knew that staying in the fjord at night wouldn't be safe. First he would freeze to death. Then the sea snake may feel hungry again. He needed to exit the fjord as fast as possible to find the safety of another boat.

    Eerik rowed toward the sea as fast as his arms allowed him. But as he was crossing the last edge of the cliff, a sudden wind rose, shaking his wooden barge. He was caught in a whirlwind, pinnning in an endless swirl. Eerik fought to keep his head up in the air, gripping the board as firmly as possible. He knew that releasing his grab would mean death.

    After a timeless fight for his survival, the stream faded and Eerik passed out, too tired to struggle more. He handed his life to faith.

    08 maelstrom.png

  5. #5
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    Default Eerik’s New Job (5/11)

    He woke up in a dark room, surprised to be alive. He checked every part of his body, anxious to find some bad injury or, worse, some missing part. All he could notice was that his ribs were covered by some fresh bandage and it hurt when he moved. Also, his right arm presented some stitches near his elbow and he could feel a sore spot over his left eye. But, as he could say, he was in one piece and not too badly harmed.

    Relieved, he sat on the small bed, put both feet on the ground and tried to stand up. Instantly, he lost his balance and fell back on the bed. He remained still, focused on stopping his mind to spin in his head. After a while, he tried to stand again, leaning on the wall with his left hand to stay on his feet. His legs managed to support him but the dizziness came back. Maybe the sea creature hit his head harder than he thought.

    He put on his pants, shirt, boots and, with relief, his coat. All he needed was in his old leather coat. His gold, some coins but mostly jewels (lighter to cary), and of course the treasure map. He was glad it was tattooed on a goat skin, way safer than paper, especially when you meet angry see monster.

    The hallway was as small and dark as his room. Everything was built in wood he guessed as he heard the walls and ground squeak and creak. He saw a rectangle of light around a door in front of him and stumbled toward it.

    A violent light blinded him and fresh salted air blowed right in his face as he stepped on the first deck of a cargo vessel. He wasn't dizzy, he thought with relief, he was on a boat. The wind raised the sails providing fair speed to the vessel. As the cliffs of the fjords moved on his right, Eerik assumed they were heading north. Considering all what happened to him, being alive, without concoction and in the night direction was a little miracle. It could have been way worst.

    - You’re up ! I’m glad to see you're fine.

    A man leaned on the rail next to him. As they shook hands, but not too firmly because of Eerik’s injury, he presented himself as Captain Lore.

    10 Ship.png

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    Default Eerik’s New Job (6/11)

    - I was wondering what I should do with you.
    - I hope you didn't consider throwing me back to the sea.
    - No, laughed the man, it was about keeping you on board and bring you back to Ei Missään or leaving you in a room in Suu.
    - I will be glad to stay in Suu. If you don’t mind.

    The captain nodded in agreement.

    - Thank you for rescuing me, by the way. I would probably be dead if you hadn’t found me.
    - My pleasure. We saw you drifting on some boards. Not far from Hasfven’s fjord. Wasn't hard to figure what happened to you.
    - How so ?
    - This fjord is well known by all salesmen in the North. No one would venture himself there.
    - Why ?
    - It's the only fjord around here with a sea monster. Your crew didn't warned you ?
    - Some old crew member wasn’t so pleased, but he didn’t argue much. I guess they weren't from here. I recall thinking while boarding that they had some foreign accent.
    - Anyway. You're a very lucky pal. Few people can say they survived Hasfven.
    - Yeah ! Lucky me, sighted Eerik.
    - You should rest now, advised Captain Lore. Even if you feel quite good, your body suffer from pain and injury. You will recover faster if you treat it well. We won’t board in Suu before a couple of hours.

    Eerik thanked him again and found his way back to his bed. He wasn’t feeling as good as the captain thought and he felt asleep instantly. He didn’t wake up until they reached the harbor.

    Captain Lore helped him to settle in Suu’s Inn. Eerik paid three days in advance for a small room with food and care for his injuries. As he was resting, he made two resolutions. First he won't try again to reach his goal by sea. He was not willing to play his chance card against the sea snake again. So he would have to find his way in the Northen Maze. And for that there was his seconde resolution : hiring a local guide, one born and raised in this Island.

    Four days later, he was back on his feet and ready to resume the hunt for the treasure. His arm still hit a bit but wouldn’t stop him to walk.

    He asked the innkeeper if she knows a guide able to lead him safely through the Maze.

    - You’re lucky (for once, thought Eerik), Bjorn came back yesterday from a trip to Pohjoiseen Portti. You should find him south of the village. He own a barn. Tell him Sue sent you.

    An innkeeper named Sue in a place called Suu, tough Eerik as he crossed the village, what a chance ? Maybe I am going too be lucky after all.

    12 Suu.png

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    Default Eerik’s New Job (7/11)

    He found the man at the place Sue the innkeeper told him : at the southern exit of the village. His barn was not typical, even if there was a mule, hay stacks, outdoor equipment and leather bridles. Half of the area was used as a practice room. An artisanal dummy made of wood and old cloth was in the center, it seemed to be used to train fighting move as well as archery, as the three arrows stuck in its stomach suggested. There also was a forge and many tools which those the guide would be able to fix almost everything, guessed Eerik. He was impressed and felt confident again for his journey.

    - Are you Bjorn ?

    The man stopped making his tractions.

    - I’m looking for a guide.

    The man turned to face Eerik. He was really tall with a lot of muscles, the kind of guy you definitely want in your team. He had long red hair, a braided beard. He was barely sweating despite his exercices and still not talking.

    - Sue sent me, said Eerik at last.

    At this name, the giant finally came to life.

    - How is she ?
    - She’s well, answered Eerik pretty sure he saw the man blush.
    - Fine. Well. Thanks for telling me that, mumbled the giant. Why are you here again ?
    - I’m looking for a guide. And Sue told me you were the best I could find.

    Flattery seemed to work fine, especially with the key name “Sue”, thought Eerik as the man came to him with a bright smile.

    - I won’t say I’m the best, but also, there is not much competition in the field of activity here.
    - I need to go in the Maze. I tried by sea, but there was a monster and...
    - It’s you with Hasfven ? Small village, stories travel fast, explained the man as Eerik flinched.
    - Can you guide me ? asked Eerik, avoiding the question.
    - Sure, if you paid, I’ll bring you anywhere.

    They agreed on a price, half paid right away, the other half as they come back to Suu in one piece and one silver coin for every three days of expedition. They will meet at the barn the following morning so Bjorn can buy food and all the equipment they’ll need for the trip. Of course, Eerik had to give him some more gold for the guide to fulfill that task.

    As Eerik came back the next morning, Bjorn had already charged the equipment on his mule. There was no need to wait more, so they left Suu with the sun rising in front of them.

    - Are they some hidden and angry creatures I should know about on our way ? asked Eerik as the village had already disappeared behind them.

    - Not that we should really worried about, answered the guide.

    Eerik didn't know if that was good or bad omen. His new companion was not the talkative type. He was walking in front with the mule and Eerik noticed that his guide showed a lot of scars on his arms. But he took it as a proof that the man know how to handle the big axe he carried on his back. Even if he hoped his guide would never need to use it, Eerik felt safer.

    On the second day, the way led them between two cliffs, which opened at the beginning of a river. They followed the little stream for a while and went on as the water passed through a canyon.

    Eerik could see some grass further leading toward green trees on the way and looked forward to walk on something more soft than rocks.

    But as they left the rocky path, the mule refused to step into the green field. Bjorn tried everything to make her go further. But he wasn’t able to make her move on. Instead, she started to step backward.

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    Default Eerik’s New Job (8/11)

    - What should we do ? asked Eerik.

    The guide looked at the mule, then at the forest in front of them in the canyon. He frowned while answering.

    - We take another way.
    - What ? Are you seriously thinking to make a detour because of an animal ?
    - Mules are clever. If she doesn’t want to go, there is a good reason.
    - I can’t see any danger and since I pay, I decide. Let’s go.

    Without looking back, Eerik went toward the forest, enjoying the soft smell of the pine needle covering the floor near the river. He quickly looked back and caught a glimpse of Bjorn and the mule still at the same place. A small doubt crossed Eerik’s mind as he went forward. The guide won’t abandoned him, after all he was paying. Or was this way really dangerous ? He thought of the sea monster and why he hired a local guide to lead through the maze.

    All in his thoughts, he didn’t realized that the path was getting smaller and that the light was darkening. Suddenly he felt something tickelling his head. He looked up and a leaf rushed into his left eye. As he rubbed his sour eye, he realized that the path was no longer bright and large, but was now a dark and narrow trail with the trees almost burrying it. He felt oppressed. Like if the forest was closing up on him, swallowing him into his guts and will never let him out.

    A drop of sweat rolled from his forhead to his chin and fall on the floor. Eerik could almost hear it hit the ground. That’s when he realized the surnatural quietness of the place. No bird singing in the foliage, no rabbit sneaking in the bushes, no squirrel scratching in the trees. Something was wrong, really wrong.

    All his body was wet and cold with fear. He started to hurry back. He didn’t want to run, because, well, he was not that afraid. It’s only a forest after all. Then he heard something on his left, hidden by bushes and trees. By the noise it made, Eerik could tell it was heavy and mighty. He turned his head to see and catch a glimps of a fury, some flash of white, maybe the teeth. Then he heard a profound and threatening growl.

    Now Eerik was running.

    He came out of the forest and fell on the floor, panting, near Bjorn and the mule that were waiting for him still at the same spot he left them.

    - I can see now, said Bjorn, why this is called the shivering forest.

    That evening no words were spoken. Eerik’s body seemed unable to stop shaking, even as he sat dangerously close to the fire to try to get some warmth. He wrapped himself in all the blankets they have, even the one for the pack saddle of the mule.

    Eerik was glad that Bjorn didn’t brag about being right to trust the mule’s intuition.

    - Next time, I follow the mule, said the treasure hunter. For that, you have my word.

    Bjorn nodded silently while Eerik wondered if hunting treasures was indeed more easy than hunting wanted people.

    The two days that followed the swamp event were a lot alike. The two men and the mule wandered through valleys, sometimes they turned left, some other times it was right. Eerik felt completely lost in this mountainous environment. So many peaks and cliffs that even his dreams were full of rocks.

    The third day, the path took them along a narrow trail skirting a cliff on the left and overlooking a fjord on the right..

    16 cliffs.png

  9. #9
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    Default Eerik’s New Job (9/11)

    Salty wind hit Eerik’s face but he didn’t care, to amazed by the view. He always pictured fjords with mountains covered of trees dropping in the sea. Maybe some beach here and there. But all he could see were rocks, rocks and more rocks. No place for forests, beach or even bushes. It was wonderful and boring in the same time.

    Eerik looked the sea down on the fjord and the mountains around. He couldn’t see a way further. The guide had brought them to a dead end.

    - And now ? Do we plunge ? I think I recall there is a giant sea snake somewhere down there.
    - Not in this fjord. And we use that path.

    Bjorn waved on his left and Eerik discovered a really narrow path clung to the cliff. All he could say was :

    - Oh !
    - I hope you don’t have vertigo.
    - No, but…. No.

    Swallowing was suddenly hard to him. Vertigo or not, this was a very narrow track and with the wind blowing it could be quite perilous.

    The mule went first not afraid at all, her four feet at ease on the small path. Eerik followed the mule without thinking because if he did he would be too afrdaid to move forward. He kept his left so tight he slightly shred his coat. He was focused with all his mind on the animal in front of him, not looking right or down or up. The wind was getting stronger but at least it blowed toward the cliff. Eerik was glad it was more an inconvenient than a threat.

    As he reached the safety of the other side, he wondered why his guide hadn’t asked him about vertigo before going that way. But he didn’t say it loud, not wanting to upset his guide. It wouldn’t be clever because he was pretty sure he couldn’t find his way back to Suu by himself.

    - How more days do you think until we reach our goal ? asked Eerik that night at campfire.
    - 4 to 5 days.
    - You can't be more specific ?
    - It depends on weather. And weather is not really accurate.

    Eerik managed to relaxe. He didn't like the way his guide talked to him. Or the fact he didn't asked about vertigo. Or that he let him walk through the shivering forest. But he imagined this is common behavior for someone leaving in a secluded wild village. He was looking for a rough, tough, guide and had found one. What was important was to reach the treasure.

    - Have we met before ? asked Eerik as they unpack for the night.
    - No.
    - Sure ? Because you look somewhat familiar. But I can’t remember where I...
    - I know I never met you before.
    - How can you be so certain ?
    - I wouldn't have forgot your way of behaving.
    - What that mean ?
    - Never mind.
    - But...

    Instead of answering, the guide lied on his blanket turning his back, marking the end of the conversation.

    - But ! repeated Eerik, not happy with that end of the conversation.

    He fell asleep wondering what his guide meant when he said he wouldn't have forgotten his behavior. As he, Eerik, would forget the guide’s behavior ?
    Eerik woke up in a damp, foggy morning. If the previous days he was wondering how they didn't get lost in the maze of hills and valley and rocks. Now he was quite certain they were going to get finally lost in the mist. He couldn't see more than three steps away, only distinguishing the mule by her dark grey shape in the light gray lands cap.
    Bjorn used the rope to link them together. He attached one extremity to the mule, then tied Eerik and himself at last.

    - We are going through the mist ? worried Eerik.
    - The mule has a safe foot, we can trust her to lead our way without any risk.
    - How long will it last, this fog ?
    - Maybe one hour, maybe four.
    - Can't we wait ?
    - We will be loosing time. And I remember you : you pay my time. But don’t worry : following the mule is safe. As you already know.

    18 mist.png

  10. #10
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    Default Eerik’s New Job (10/11)

    Mumbling his displeasure, Eerik agreed to go on, hoping it will last one hour and not four.

    Three days later, they still were pacing in the fog. Eerik could barely distinguish the grey mule in the grey fog in front of him. He was worry to never see colors again and even if he would be able to see them. the felt stoned by the grey, haggard, walking like a zombie toward a goal out of reach. He started to have visions of big monsters standing in the mist, afraid that they would come to life and eat him. It was like walking in a living nightmare. He couldn't think straight anymore and started missing the infinite sight of rocks, thinking it would be less terrifying than all that grey. The only thing he can relied on was the misty grey mule.

    The fourth day, they suddenly stepped out of the mist, like if the fog was restained by an invisible and intangible wall.

    Eerik was so released he could cried. Or kiss the rocks as some old friends he had been missing. But he managed to keep his dignity.

    - We are not far from destination, told Bjorn pointing to the pass in front of them.

    The treasure hunter felt a burden disappearing from his shoulder and smiled with relief.

    - Tomorrow ? he asked.
    - Yes, tomorrow.

    The certainty in the guide's voice was sweet to Eerik’s ear. He thought that hunting treasures was not as easy as he thought. And almost regretted uncooperative outlaws. But as you need many outlaws to reach the fortune of one treasure, all the difficulties he crossed were worth the pain. He was so tired by the fog he fell asleep as he reach his blanket and slept all night without thinking.

    The following day he was glad not to feel the rope on his waist and to see the whole mule instead of only the shape of her butt. They climbed the hill on a small rocky path that was used by wild animals.

    - Here we are, said Bjorn. Now you need your map to find the exact location of your treasure.

    They were on a plateau with stones emerging here and there. Eerik took the map from his coat and started checking the area.

    He found the spot matching with the X. It was indicated by a small pile of rocks high to his knee. His hands shaking, he removed the stones. Under the last and bigger one, there was a hole in the ground. The treasure ! Except the hole was empty. Eerik went to the mule, grab a shovel and started digging into the hole.

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