Main line work is done, next I'll be adding some texture or ornaments.

Since the map looks so boring right now, let me tell you about these local druids.

The well, as mentioned, is located on polar bear migration trail. The druids venerate these animals. Out of fear, of course. But they pretend like it's part of their rituals and that they have the powers to shapeshift into these creatures. In reality though this whole shapeshifting business is more theatrics than magic. Each year, those that cannot shapeshift into polar bear (that is, likely, all druids) dress up in hilarious, pantomime bear costumes, which require two people to go into one costume, and in such form they go visit the well for solstice rituals.

This tradition was established out of caution; bears might attack humans, however if they see other bears, perhaps they will mind their own business. But nowadays it's all about pretense, politics, gossip and petty rivalries. If you don't want to dress up as bear, well, what kind of a druid are you then, without fancy forest magic? You'll be snubbed and kicked out of your druid circle.

### Latest WIP ###
