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Thread: WIP - The Eastern shores of Ehren

  1. #131
    Guild Expert
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    Jan 2016


    Thanks Voolf, I'm honoured that you would want this in you're inspiration folder so go nuts, it's odd to me reading this because I have you're maps in my inspiration folder, and strive to get to you're level.

    I'd love to see this map you're working on, do you have a WIP thread for it?

  2. #132


    Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
    it's odd to me reading this because I have you're maps in my inspiration folder, and strive to get to you're level.
    That's what i love about this forum and members. We all have different ways and technique to draw. People have different tastes and judges subjectivly (which is fine). For someone, a map may be just ok, for others a great inspiration because they love the style. We all are teachers and students to each other.

    Quote Originally Posted by kacey
    I'd love to see this map you're working on, do you have a WIP thread for it?
    No i don't, i am making this one with closed door . I guessed it is nothing too fancy, and more like trying several new things. I wanted to create map in certain style but somehow i could not do it and the style shifted on the way. I change it several times already and now though still looks ok seems like mish mash. I dont think i will make WIP of it, but i will post it on Finished maps when i am done. I will let you know in the thread that this is the one
    Last edited by Voolf; 12-21-2016 at 03:06 AM.

  3. #133
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Glad to see you back on this one, kacey! Really great technique, especially the trees (which I just can't seem to get to look as good as yours!).

    If you want one bit of criticism, I think that after looking at them again with fresh eyes, the nation borders seem too insubstantial. You can't see them at all from a zoomed-out view, and they're pretty hard to spot zoomed-in, too.

  4. #134
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    I've just spent a good hour going through this thread, in awe at this gorgeous map. This is incredible work, and I can't wait to see it finished.

    There have been some really helpful comments from other users too, and some links to other incredible maps that are a huge inspiration. If I could give rep to everybody in this thread right now I absolutely would. Thanks everyone, and great work kacey!

  5. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
    That's what i love about this forum and members. We all have different ways and technique to draw. People have different tastes and judges subjectivly (which is fine). For someone, a map may be just ok, for others a great inspiration because they love the style. We all are teachers and students to each other.

    No i don't, i am making this one with closed door . I guessed it is nothing too fancy, and more like trying several new things. I wanted to create map in certain style but somehow i could not do it and the style shifted on the way. I change it several times already and now though still looks ok seems like mish mash. I dont think i will make WIP of it, but i will post it on Finished maps when i am done. I will let you know in the thread that this is the one
    It’s great to be able to get advice from such a diverse group, it’s why I joined the forum. Sometimes some one will say they don’t like a certain aspect of a map, but someone else will chime in, and say they do, it can be a little confusing sometimes, but this way you can weigh out the opinions, and decide if something you’ve done is worth changing. I’ve learned more by posting my WIP’s here over a short time then I ever did trying to figure it out on my own for two years.

    I understand keeping you’re project under raps, I sometimes wish I didn’t start a few threads just because they never turn out how I envisioned them in my head, and more times then not go unfinished. Everything I do seems to shift in style, this map for example was suppose to be completely different. It is what it is I guess, but sometimes it’s fun to let them take on a life of they’re own.

  6. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
    Glad to see you back on this one, kacey! Really great technique, especially the trees (which I just can't seem to get to look as good as yours!).

    If you want one bit of criticism, I think that after looking at them again with fresh eyes, the nation borders seem too insubstantial. You can't see them at all from a zoomed-out view, and they're pretty hard to spot zoomed-in, too.
    Thanks Diamond, I made the borders more prominent right after reading you’re comment, I think they look better now, I’ll probably post an update when I’m done the sea labels...but who knows when that will be, right now I’m jumping back, and forth between three projects, but one of them is a landscape experiment which you’ll probably never see on the forum because it isn’t a map.

    I will happily upload the brush that I used for those trees to the forum with a description of how I paint with it if any one is interested, but someone will first have to tell me how to do that. I’ve never uploaded a brush before so I’m clueless as to how that works.

    Quote Originally Posted by loottheroom View Post
    I've just spent a good hour going through this thread, in awe at this gorgeous map. This is incredible work, and I can't wait to see it finished.

    There have been some really helpful comments from other users too, and some links to other incredible maps that are a huge inspiration. If I could give rep to everybody in this thread right now I absolutely would. Thanks everyone, and great work kacey!
    Thanks loottheroom, I’ve definitely gotten some great advice along the way, the people on this forum are top notch, and I’m always honoured to learn from them, it’s helped me so much. I’m glad you found this thread helpful, because I sure have.

  7. #137
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    I finally got around to doing a bit of shading on the cliffs, all I have to do now is re work the title, and add a box of some sort around it, I probably won't go too fancy on that part I want to keep it fairly simple. Then I have to force myself to do the sea labelling which I'm really dreading, the labelling so far has taken such a long time and is probably what made me stop working on it to begin with, but it needs to be finished even if it kills me to do it, I've left this sitting for way too long.

    zWIP Ehren-master.jpg

  8. #138


    Its certainly been a while! Well done for coming back to it

    Looking great as usual

    There's nothing wrong with the cliff shading in a technical sense, but how about adding a couple of slightly more jiggly lines in there. At the moment they do seem just a tiny bit smooth and uniformly vertical.

    That may be just the style you were aiming for, though, so my bad if it is

  9. #139
    Guild Master Josiah VE's Avatar
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    I haven't seen this in a while. This has developed beautifully!
    The style is fantastic. I especially like the mountains and forest.

    I offer map commissions for RPG's, world-building, and books

  10. #140
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    It's gorgeous, kacey!
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

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