Eerik was a bounty hunter. The best you could find in all the Northern Maze. Even in all the northern kingdoms. As a proof, if you really need one, there is the top three of his catch list : the greatest pickpocket of all times known as Sneaky Sven; the Goat Bearer who could steal the horse you were seated on; and, more recently, the dreadful pirate Helga the Magnificent.

Unfortunately, Eerik ended up out of targets : no more wanted outlaw were reported in the Northern Kingdom. And he was the only one to blame for his lack of job : he caught them all. As he didn’t want to move to another country, Eerik decided to switch profession. From now he would be a treasure hunter.

In his mind, it was a much more easy job. You seek your target (that’s something he was really good at), when found, dig it up, grab it and… done ! All you have to do then is live a long, prosperous and wealthy life. With the job of chasing outlaws, it’s not that convenient. Some fight back and you get hurt, other escape and you need to chase them again. Then, on the way to the jail, they wouldn’t show any good will, making the path to reward long and painful. Even more if you have to drag them instead of tied them on a horse. And don’t forget those who wipe all the way, cry for mercy, implore your good heart, negotiate their freedom.

Of course, none of this would happen with a pretty amount of gold and jewel. Treasure hunting is such a smoother job. So was thinking Eerik. What a fool !

The only problem he could think of was : how could he get a treasure map ?

As he wandered between the booths of the town’s market, he heard some merchant bragging that he was selling everything, even the most unexpected item one could wish for. Eerik headed toward the voice and examined the merchant from some distance. He was a tall man, with a small belly, a shaved skull, a red beard perfectly cut, a walking stick and an eyepatch on his left eye. He spoke in a very confident voice. A bit too confident, thought Eerik.

- Looking for something ? The merchant hailed him.
- Maybe, answered Eerik, cautious.
- Anything you need, I have.
- I doubt it.
- Try me.
- Really. I’m pretty sure you don’t have what I’m looking for.
- Come on, the merchant said with a sirupy voice, I may surprise you.

Eerik sighed before answering :

- I’m looking for a treasure map.

Speechless, the merchant glared at him with big wide suspicious eyes.

- As I said, added Eerik, you can’t help me.

He turned over and started walking through the market when he felt someone grabbing his coat.

- Sire. Wait, I can help you, said the merchant in a low voice Eerik could barely hear. But you shouldn’t ask for that out loud.
- Why ?
- Because they may be some bad people listening around. And you don’t want that people to steal your treasure map.
- No. Sure I don’t. But I don’t either have any treasure map to be stolen.
- Yet.
- You really selling everything, do you ?
- Yes sire.

The merchant looked around carefully, dive in an inside pocket of his jacket and put some piece of leather in Eerik’s hand.

- The map, explained the merchant.

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