That could workand/or use a random name generator.
D: noooooooooooo
:/ ok, but with a change... (add comment)
Hmm. Maybe we should start a 'Name Suggestion' thread, and after it fills up sufficiently, I could turn it into a Challenge.
Najea, Kudonz, Jfrae, Bistr, Chingari, Memnoro, Johfi, Chomgil, Tressic, Dahnil, Braytr, Bramnalk, Cogrik, Cheknac, Sjovi, Morontaril, Emineminal, Streelk, Cheesta, Domindra, Abrantivam, Egrosivo, Tumvinic, Plajeno...
Just to get things started
(these are just off the top of my head - apologies if I have accidentally said a very rude word in Martian)
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
Cool idea!
don't forget some bodies of water in the names too.
Bays, gulfs, seas, etc.
That may make for some fun to see how we each see what shapes those might take.
And Mouse - I laughed at Emineminal... Eminem in All![]()
You a secret rap fan ?
Oh, and Cheesta... I'm seein' some hip hop here - Cheese Star... Cheestah![]()
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
I like rap rhythms, though I listen more to the rhythm than the words. The pattern recognition part of my brain seems to latch onto the rhythm like some kind of drug!
I shouldn't complain, I guess, since its also the part of my brain that generates all the new names I use for my maps. They come in long rhythmical strings that are not a lot unlike rap:
Tistupala, Rustapini, Gradipalo, Runipalo, Gorgarino, Berunabi... Cratzabino, Ngorino, Mbarina, Kriss....
and so on.
About 1 in 50 are ok. I just have to try and pick the good ones out of the rubbish. My favourite from that little string is Berunabi, which to me sounds like it might be an abandoned settlement just waiting to be discovered in a dense and unexplored tropical jungle.
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
This is a really intriguing idea. Chashio, would you provide an image with the labels placed? Or would someone else do it?
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
I love this idea!!! And I would love to take part... as long as it's after the holiday season! In fact, this last challenge map is my last map of the year, I have too many Christmas gifts to finish (I make most of mine)!
Some names to think about: Kynlarra, Monteniil, Crystis, Kordorak, Enleina, Vishtok, Untuuk, Morgetlaan, Evenest, Verkshire, Elderyl
Ocean/Sea names: Aquilaran, Mindaran, The Great Silt Sea, Sylven, Ovurk, Montash, and Mystel
Like a thief in the night
she comes with no form
yet tranquility proceeds
the accursed storm...
check out my new Deviant Art page!
J.Edward helped set one up and passed me the file to share as needed, and I had another sketched out by the time he finished. So, options... hopefully sometime you or another CL can take a look and decide which might work best and if any adjustments should be made. Yes?![]()