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Thread: Land of the Untitled (WIP)

  1. #11
    Guild Adept KMAlexander's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Vashon, WA


    I think they all make sense as far as the pattern goes. They meander on more open plains and generally follow the topography. So nice work on all of that!

    Stylistically, they feel a bit thin. The mountains really overpower them. I tend to suggest looking at the strokes in your objects (in this case, the outline of the mountains and hills) and matching that same width in other elements. It'll make everything feel more unified.

  2. #12
    Guild Adept bkh1914's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    The rivers depend on the style you are going for.
    Some styles make them super wide all the way to the source.
    Your rivers are a more realistic style.
    You could taper them - make the tributaries thinner and the main river slightly thicker as it approaches the coast.
    But what you currently have also looks good.

  3. #13


    Thanks KM and bkh! I've been experimenting with the size. The latest iteration they are all basically the same size. An earlier iteration I had them smaller coming down from the mountains and then I'd add 1 px every time it combined with another river. I just didn't know when to cut that off (i.e. when it got too wide) because sometimes they'd combine with maybe 15 rivers before it got to the sea. I'm not sure if that's how it works in real life or when the river gets powerful enough it also gets deeper and you start to get a diminishing marginal return on width? Once I get all the rivers on, I may try to split the difference a bit so there is at least a clear indication of which are the larger parts of the rivers. I'm also trying to keep in mind the size of the final product and how far away I want these rivers to be seen.

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