starting a new map using Illustrator, Sketchup, and Photoshop - Going to use this thread to also remember myself of what I did

Been doing research for a couple days two area of Nubian Kings during the time of Rome along the Nile River between the 4th & 6th cataracts.
Meroe - has a lot of great pyramids, different than Giza, smaller and narrower.
Naqa - Temple of Amun at Jebel Barkal (at base of mountain)


Found a plan of the excavation of Naqa with a scale, showing the buildings. Also found a few illustrations and some great photos of the two temple that are in relatively good shape there. Plus plenty of photos of the Pyramids.

Took the scaled jpeg into Adobe Illustrator and redrew the lines to scale. Turned all the lines into shapes (outlines) and then used the pathfinder tool to combine all the linework.

Then saved as a DWF file and placed into Sketchup. With just a little work did a first PUSH/PULL upward of all the wall to one height for now.

Will fill in the city and add the pyramids - planning on using sketch up for the perspective and layout -

not sure if I'll do all the linework in Sketchup or just rough it in and redraw in Photoshop would love to hear your THOUGHTS on this matter????

Hope if come out ok, first attempt with this methods.