I've had to do some maps for the Kaidan Patronage Project. I knew I wasn't done with map creation, but I had to wait as new developments came along. So here we go, nothing too exciting, just necessary for the plotline.

The first map is the docks of Gaijinoshima, a party of yakuza ruffians have been hired to ambush the party just as they get off their ship upon arrival. They don't even get to walk off the pier onto shore when they are attacked. (Unknown to them Jadoko the Hebi-onna "Snake demon woman" has been commanded by her master of the Oni court to retrieve the items carried by the PCs, as it is a known artifact to be used against Oni-kind. Over 700 years ago, it was sent away by the Oni court for safekeeping away from Kaidan - now its back...)

The second map is Gaijinoshima Garden of the Dead (the city cemetery) - since the party has won the fight at the docks, this will be Jadoko's second attempt at ambushing the party, appearing in her human guise, she will feign being attacked by a Gaki (Kaidan ghoul) hoping it destroys the party, so she can take the artifact for herself.

