I'm putting all of the map I did for an RPG adventure ("Cult of the Scorpion God" for the Mazes & Minotaurs game) here.

First, we have the small city-state Pella and an estate outside the city where the players will track the cult.


Here we have the island of Kefalonia, where the climax of the adventure takes place.


The remainder of the maps are black and white, with a simple "old school" aesthetic, designed for printing in a module for the Gamemaster's use, rather than as VTT maps.

We have the main building of the estate shown above and its secret basement.



There are three levels to the cult's temple on Kefalonia. One the temple proper, a maze that guards the priests complex of rooms, and a small collection of caves.




These were my first dungeon maps in GIMP and, I think, my first go at digital dungeon maps ever.