Are the bastions on a separate layer from the walls? They don't seen to be casting shadows - it's most noticeable on the easternmost and southernmost ones, but all seem to be shadowless.

Dumb question, maybe - does the river flow into or out of the lake? The tributary *could* join like that, with river flow either way, but to me the angle says the main river flows north. They're pretty wide rivers - sandbars at a couple of places could 'trail off' downstream giving a better visual clue to flow direction.

The forest looks a little out of scale to me. I like the look of the trees, but I'd expect individual crowns to be what, 30-50 feet across? These look to be maybe 100-200 ft in diameter? If that matches what you intend, no prob. The size impression wouldn't matter if they were symbolic trees like on a regional map, but you're going for an areal photo vibe here, right?

Is there an active ruler in that castle, or is it a relic? The roads don't say "this is the center of the realm and all these peons exist to support My Magnificent Royal Person". If your nobles just CANNOT stand the smell of fish, maybe they stay away from the lakeside quay, but there's no carriage-width road toward the lake from the castle entry. I really like the look of the city, though.

Good stuff!