In need of a fantasy map maker. I'm basing the story in a Meditteranean climate. Terrain should be somewhat diverse, with a coast and highlands, but with a dominating desert region dotted with various sized oasis areas. For inspiration, refer to middle-eastern climates/terrain. I'd like an area with similar geography to the Nile in Egypt--surrounding desert with a large river that leads into the ocean, with lush forested areas running along the river.

Requirements from map maker: a solid grasp on climate/terrain logic.
It's a fantasy map, so obviously it doesn't have to make perfect sense, but I don't want a map that is laughable. I'd like the climate and terrain to make sense and not break immersion for a reader.

Paid commission

Copyright: I'd like to use this for a future fantasy series, so I'd like to retain copyright/reproduction rights

Map area: needs to be typical fantasy map size (I.e. a region that would cover the same amount of area Tolkein's Middle-Earth map does)

Contact: please contact me at jnolan17 at Please include the word 'Map' in the subject so I can find it in my inbox

Time constraints: no pressing time constraints

Process: I'd like the geographical terrain map done at this time. Cities don't need to be added at this time, though it'd be appreciated if the map maker marked spots on the terrain map of where settlements made the most sense. With that said, down the line in the future, I'd like to have the map maker on retainer so that I can add important cities to it once I've had the story written.

I'd like a map maker who would be willing to explain the logic of their map in terms of climate and the terrain if possible, so I can make sense of how it would influence the story and settlement placement.