! dang..

i learned interpolation beyond linear from julius o. smith's documents (stanford dsp professor), which has made image processing very interesting. what is generally called 'bicubic' interpolation in audio is a 1d process involving four samples.. discretely different from the terminology in graphics where 'bicubic' refers to 2d interpolation, and, if i understand it, 'cubic' indicates this 2nd order method. my method of course requires 64 samples in 3d space... no wonder it's bloody slow!

float tricint(float td, float t0, float t1, float t2, float t3){
float f0, f1, f2;
f0 = (t3 - t2) - (t0 - t1);
f1 = (t0 - t1) - f0;
f2 = t2 - t0;
return ((f0 * td + f1) * td + f2) * td + t1;

illustrated in a fairly useless app here.. (unfortunately this screenshot doesn't strongly illustrate how this method produces samples outside the sample range).

some of the articles i've found mention the interpolation method generating samples outside of the [0,1] range so i thought i was up to speed. (some readers may benefit from noting that i have labeled this 'tricubic' attempting to correlate nomenclature between the two fields, which may indeed be incorrect).

will have a think.. may rip it out as i didn't try 3d linear.. may stick with it as i like the output. if this was audio, soon i'd be advertising 2048^3 sinc interpolation and have an army of fake profiles wiping the floor with anyone who didn't feel this was a necessity