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Thread: [CWBP2] Question Regarding Ownership

  1. #71
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    I made an update, now I just need to do the part on the campaign setting:

    Decisions concerning general aspects of the material is the privilege of the Council members. Including: legal matters, the license, general direction of the project, approval of commercial projects...

    Council : To become a council member, people need to submit at least one contribution and they need to sign in on a list (CWBP 2 : Copyright Board)
    - The site administrators of the Cartographer's Guild are also part of the Council since they are maintaining this space.
    - In extraordinary circumstances Council members can be denied of their privileges if 2/3 of the Council members vote against them. (but we can't get them rid of their rights on their personal contributions)
    - It is possible to amend the license with the support of 2/3 of the Council members.
    - The Council members take decisions by voting. The vote is made public to ensure that only Council members votes are counted.
    - Votes concerning legal matters should last a full month to let the active Council members sufficient time to vote. A normal vote is won with 50%+1 of the votes.

    *Votes concerning non legal matters such as the description of different world elements and general opinion are open to every member of the Guild. The vote can be held public or in secret. The voting period should be around 3 or 4 days. Usually, a simple majority is required to win.

    -Contributors of the project can use, modify and publish material that they own including for commercial purposes. If they do publish, they just need to inform the community.
    -Contributors can also publish content that they don't own if they manage to get the approval of the other author(s).
    -Everyone can use, modify the material of the project for personal or artistic purposes. They can share their derivative work as long as they have the approval of the original author. But they cannot use the content for commercial purposes.

    The material used in the project should respect copyrights. You can't have material that is non commercial unless you have the approval of the author to do so.

    Once something enters the project, either an image or a full-fledged idea, it become part of the project.
    The main goal of the project is too create a campaign setting and to be able to publish it. Example of campaign settings: List of campaign settings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    To do that, we need the contributers to agree that their work could be used in a publication, including a commercial publication. The profits would be distributed equally to all contributers that have material in the publication.
    It's not sure if it will happen but we need to ask before people commit to the project, otherwise it will becomes impossible to contact everyone.
    If the content is, for some reason rejected, it can't be used in the project or any derivative work on it without the consent of the author.

    - To publish a project: the first step is to submit the project to the community. Even if the person is publishing her own work, the community need to be informed. In that case, it's just a formality. When the project is bigger and include more than one author, a vote is usually required. After the project is submitted, the concerned authors will need to express their approval or disapproval of the project. There are no time limit for the authors the express themselves, refusal or simply a lack of answer means he can't publish it or need to publish only the content to which the authors agreed.
    Last edited by Azélor; 09-12-2014 at 10:11 AM.

  2. #72
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    south australia


    If you want an opinion on the subject the voting process does give you a chance to get this opinion acroos

  3. #73
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I updated the massage #71. I hope it's almost the final form.

    Opinions are welcome.

  4. #74
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    If nobody expresses concern I guess they agree with it, or we need to vote ?

    Frankly, I don't think that a vote will draw more participants.

  5. #75
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    It looks pretty good to me. I'd just make sure that you specify in the one month time limit of the vote that only votes cast durring that period are counted towards the tally, and that it is only a majority requiremnt of the tallied votes (rather than the entire council).

    I'd also try to give the section dealing with personal rights over their own work a little more clarity... and add a line that completed works of their making can only be published with their approval (with the possible exception of publishing the world setting, which they are already assumed to have given consent for. If however you include this caveat, you also need to make sure that they will recive appropraite compensation. I'd say an equal share of the profits of those who have finished work in the particular publication. Or make it assumed that they have given permission for publication in the case of our publishing a campaign setting with an allowence to withdraw their finished work if they speak up at the relevent time (X months before the project is finalized for print)?).

    (oh man, I'm at the computer without spell check again )

  6. #76
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    addition in blue

    Decisions concerning general aspects of the material is the privilege of the Council members. Including: legal matters, the license, general direction of the project, approval of commercial projects...

    Council : To become a council member, people need to submit at least one contribution and they need to sign in on a list (CWBP 2 : Copyright Board)
    - The site administrators of the Cartographer's Guild are also part of the Council since they are maintaining this space.
    - In extraordinary circumstances Council members can be denied of their privileges if 2/3 of the Council members vote against them. (but we can't get them rid of their rights on their personal contributions)
    - It is possible to amend the license with the support of 2/3 of the Council members.
    - The Council members take decisions by voting. The vote is made public to ensure that only Council members votes are counted.
    - Votes concerning legal matters should last a full month to let the active Council members sufficient time to vote. A normal vote is won with 50%+1 of the votes cast at the end of the voting period.

    *Votes concerning non legal matters such as the description of different world elements and general opinion are open to every member of the Guild. The vote can be held public or in secret. The voting period should be around 3 or 4 days. Usually, a simple majority is required to win.

    -Contributors of the project can use, modify and publish material that they own. If they do publish, they just need to inform the community.
    -Everyone can use, modify the material of the project for personal or artistic purposes. They can share their derivative work as long as they have the approval of the original author. But they cannot use the content for commercial purposes.

    The material used in the project should respect copyrights. You can't have material that is non commercial unless you have the approval of the author to do so.

    Once something enters the project, either an image or a full-fledged idea, it become part of the project.
    The main goal of the project is too create a campaign setting and to be able to publish it. Example of campaign settings: List of campaign settings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    To do that, we need the contributers to agree that their work could be used in a publication, including a commercial publication. The profits would be distributed equally to all contributers that have material in the publication.
    It's not sure if it will happen but we need to ask before people commit to the project, otherwise it will becomes impossible to contact everyone.
    If the content is, for some reason rejected, it can't be used in the project or any derivative work on it without the consent of the author.
    Every publication need the approval of the other expect for the campaign setting project.

    - To publish a project: the first step is to submit the project to the community. Even if the person is publishing her own work, the community need to be informed. In that case, it's just a formality. When the project is bigger and include more than one author, a vote is usually required. After the project is submitted, the concerned authors will need to express their approval or disapproval of the project. There are no time limit for the authors the express themselves, refusal or simply a lack of answer means he can't publish it or need to publish only the content to which the authors agreed.
    Last edited by Azélor; 09-16-2014 at 10:59 AM.

  7. #77
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    That votes outside of the voting period don't matter and that only the votes cast during that period are counted towards the majority. So that if there are 3 votes total and two are yes and one no it passes, or if there are a total of 9 votes and 3 are yes and 6 no then its a no. The way you have it written now is correct, but a person could mistakenly read it to mean that you need a 50%+1 majority of the entire council rather than a 50%+1 majority of the actual participating votes. I think you need to emphasise the "votes" part more.

    Either way it is not a correction just more emphasis, I think we can put our stamp of approval on this and move on to the fun stuff.

  8. #78
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    The High Desert


    Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
    move on to the fun stuff.
    You mean that a bureacracy death spiral isn't the fun part?!???

  9. #79
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    Ok, I tried to make it better.

    Now we just need to improve clarity as you said, but I don't know how I can improve it.

  10. #80
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Jul 2013


    Looks good. It'll take time to clarify it I think, even lawyers do a terrible job at making things clear, which is why every legal document they write looks like the work of a demented idiot. This works for now, you should post it in the copy write board thread of the Supreme Council.

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