Quote Originally Posted by Naima View Post
Ok thanks , but about the climate painting? Is there a way perhaps to paint externally temperatures and wet level and obtain a similar climate result?
There isn't a way to import maps other than altitude maps, sorry.

Quote Originally Posted by Naima View Post
Perhaps a small painting tool in quch to project a lookuptable as the one i ft seems not going well?
If I understand this request, what you would like is a painting tool that will adjust the local area's temperature and rainfall so that the climate moves toward the nearest climate of the selected type. For example, if you paint "forest" into an area of "tundra", the system will adjust the rainfall and temperature to the nearest point on the climate lookup table that is "forest". Unfortunately, this change will leave a ring of other climate types around the edges of the brush. I've implemented this before (in a very slow fashion), you see, and I really didn't like the bullseye climate effects.

One thing to try with the temperature is to use a value on the edit dialog of about 0.1. The temperature is raised by that amount every time the cursor moves a pixel, so they all add up quickly.