Greetings Reader,

I am Mistindantacles; although most call me 'Misti' for short. Long time rpg gamer: online, offline, and table top. I find myself doing more and more table top gaming as of late - mainly due to being quite unimpressed with the current rpgs out there - and since I run most of the table top rpgs I am involved in, I am doing more and more mapping.

Which brings me to why I am here: quite simply, I am looking to create better, cleaner, more logical and logical maps for my games: from world maps to dungeons and cities, and even to the local watering hole.

I do have CC3, although to be honest, I struggle mightily with it. I'm hoping that by joining this community, perusing its tutorials and engaging its members I'll not only learn more about CC3, but about cartography and map making in general.
