Hello there stranger!

I've been getting into cartography for a while now and I am really enjoying myself!
I am learning a lot every time I open photoshop and the tutorials and helpful members
on this website is just amazing. It would have taken me more than double the time
to learn all this if I had to do it myself.

But I have so many questions, and I don't want to clog the forums with a million
questions. So I figured, I know how to play guitar, and I am sure there are some
of you out there that want to learn.

So I propose a trade. You teach me how to make better maps(in photoshop), and I'll teach you how
to play guitar!

You'll need a webcam and a microphone though! It will be easiest to do it over skype, but if you wanna
learn a specific song, I can upload a video to youtube for you to watch.

I also figured that maybe some of you wanna learn a specific song but don't have time/don't want
to teach, so, I propose that you make a map for me and I'll teach you a song! (or something! I'm very flexible)

Interested? Send me a PM here on the site and we'll take it from there!

I should point out that I can't teach overly complicated stuff like sweep-picking or such.

Also I apologize if this is the wrong sub-forum for this and ask a kind mod to move it
if that is the case! I also apologize if this is against the forums rules, but I did not see
any rules regarding something like this so I hope it is ok.