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Thread: [Paid] In Need of a Custom Map

  1. #21
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Just a little WIP. Trying to get the 3D terrain about right before I embark on writing a big script to process and render it.

    I have added several mountain ranges and filled in the sea holes in the middle of the continent. We would expect that lakes would form there anyway but by filling them in the water should flow out and onwards to the sea somehow.

    The three big prongs at the top will probably get iced over and the bottom one will be jungle. The one looking like Italy / Sicily will have the climate of Florida. Technically the desert ought to be in a region above florida on the right side of the mountain range - assuming that this world spins in the direction ours does. That would be a bit like Nevada and Death Valley.

    Still ok with it ? We ought to have a chat about the commercial side of things too. I'll PM you at some point.

  2. #22


    I like it. I'm curious on the scale? Kilometers or miles? Whats the distance from top to bottom and east coast to west coast?

    And yeah, PM me whenever.

  3. #23
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Well its a bit scaleless at this point. Image below is the target size and approx climate for it where its aligned so top is North tho. I.e. the big island on the left is also about US climate.

  4. #24
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    My PC has stopped chuggin after hours of rattling away at fluid flow. This is to ensure that water on the map will probably go to the sea somehow. There are some spots where it will form lakes. Mainly in the middle where we want the desert so that will be fine. Theres some more areas where we will get small lakes and a few big inland seas. I think these seas will be big enough that they will equalize the water coming in to evaporation in the long run.

    I had better start tagging the images with a copyright notice too.
    (c) Viewing Ltd - All rights reserved I am afraid !

  5. #25


    Wow... it's looking beautiful.

  6. #26

  7. #27
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I dont know about the forced perspective. Its not my bag personally as I like to zoom into bits and bring them up ready with more detail. You can only do that on a top down map.

    I have added the temperatire and turned the taps on. Ran it for ages and then turned the taps off again and ran it a bit more. So you should be able to see where the water will pool and flow. Its a bit fake in the desert. I would expect that to dry up over time. I need to run it longer with the taps off.

    What might be interesting tho is that you have a cirque where the red dot it. Thats a circle of hills enclosing the water run off so it pours out to the south. Now since I have a desert there it might form an unusual feature where the river goes into the desert and dries up. It might turn left and go down into the sea too. I dont know - I could force it but ill leave it to run its course as it sees fit.

    Some of the smaller pools will dry up a little but the big ones are likely to stay unless you want shot of them. Say now because I can't drain them later as we will be trickling the water over it instead of a great lake emptying in a big whoosh taking all the terrain to the sea with it.

    (c) Viewing Ltd - all rights reserved

  8. #28


    i'm liking it a -lot- RR. I would say clear up some of the lakes. not all, but currently its looking like a lot of big lakes would form (size comparison makes some of those bigger than some states.) Aside from the overabundence of lakes coming on, its looking awesome.

    The red dot area i like as well. And if you could get a disapearing river... I'd love it. but don't worry about trying for it. if it happens, great, if not, don't overexhert yourself going into it..
    Last edited by Galrion; 11-17-2008 at 10:21 PM.

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
    I dont know about the forced perspective. Its not my bag personally as I like to zoom into bits and bring them up ready with more detail. You can only do that on a top down map.

    (c) Viewing Ltd - all rights reserved
    Ah sorry, my mistake, it was awhile since I'd read it and thought that it would allow the whole of your map in perspective view to take up all four corners without becoming distorted.

  10. #30
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Its been chugging and its done a bit more. I had some problems getting rid of the lakes and so went back a step and then forward again. So its worked on the water some more and its now finished a big run whittling the rivers down.

    Getting near the end of the easy bit but will have to start the big script shortly to get it scaled up to the big res.

    (c) Viewing Ltd 2008

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