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Thread: Seeking world map for my Pathfinder game, Details for payment inside.

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    Map Seeking world map for my Pathfinder game, Details for payment inside.

    Hello Cartographers Guild! I stumbled upon these forums by scavenging the nether reaches of the internet while building my latest world for a pathfinder game I will be running soon. I need a map for use as my campaign "world map" and the group playing with me is some old friends form my high school days. I have always been a good story teller but map design is jsut not my forte. but with the help of an amazing individual i'm confident I can WOW my group on both fronts!

    After 2 hours of perusing some amazing portfolios I came across one particular map that is almost exactly what I need for my game. Im willing to pay if the quality of the map comes out to something along the lines of the maps listed under "Style" in my post. Though ill gladly settle other variations without paid commissions.

    Here is ideally what I am aiming for as a rough layout (Pulled from an amazing artist here on the forum)

    This will be one of 5 continents but will be the only map used for a D&D/Pathfinder campaign on an earthsized planet

    Keypoints of design.

    I wants one giant landmass that is longer than it is wider. A dormant crater or volcano located somewhere in the middle.
    A large island in the west surrounded by 4 smaller islands very close to the largest and some smaller islands barely fit to hold a sailing boat scattered about and surrounding the entire thing.

    Optional-(This will be what makes me willing to pay
    Flavor art such as a compass located on the map. any other flavoring is more than welcome if you wish to pitch some to me.
    A 4000x2500 pixel size map large enough for me to personal add points of interest and roads to the map as I go.
    Done in the muddled brown and grey style found in the references below.

    I am looking for a map in any of the following style's. Though i'm open to look into other styles if you have one you wish to propose.(References also pulled from an amazing artist on the forum)

    Quality & Size

    Professional / semi professional
    Would like it in a format such as .png or any others easily view able on most windows machines.
    Dimensions of map: 1000x1000 as a ball park estimate of how large it needs to be.

    Time Constraints
    Take your time. ideally less than a month if possible but im willing to wait if the quality is something spectacular like the maps listed above.

    No copy writing necessary.

    I believe I currently lack the ability to receive and send pm's to other users since i'm using a fresh account so we will have to communicate through thread responses for a short time. Im willing to also chat through other private means such as Steam and so fourth. I look forward to meeting the talented users of the Cartographers Guild
    Last edited by Squeakcab; 05-21-2016 at 01:41 PM.

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