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Thread: making workshops distinguishable from dense resident areas

  1. #1

    Default making workshops distinguishable from dense resident areas

    I've made a medieval, fantasy city map and drew only the outlines of the housing block a bit like this one:

    but now I am at a point where i need to place flamable workshops which dont fit in this dense kind of Blocks because they dont stand wall to wall but with spaces between them. (so that if one catches fire not the whole area burns down)
    could you please suggest me some good looking alternative that fits this kind of mapstyle but also shows that its not dense built? (best would be a way that isnt highly timeconsuming because this area isnt the most improtant part of the city)

    btw. i use Gimp for that so please dont suggest some fancy Photoshop options
    Last edited by Pyrukar; 07-27-2016 at 04:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    According to my amateur knowledge of medieval city demographics, I would say that the space inside to wall is too precious to waste, even if it meant saving a few people. Taking more space inside would mean pushing people outside the city or increasing the density of population of other areas to an insane level. I don't see why they would want that.
    Also, most artisans had their workshop where they lived, or pretty close.

    What kind of industry is it?

    The solution would be to split the existing blocks into smaller ones, doing it probably like you did the original blocks I assume.
    Last edited by Azélor; 07-27-2016 at 04:02 PM.

  3. #3


    well, first it is a fantasy setting and the City is on a Island in the sea and needs to be self sustaining ( in a craftsmen perspective) which means it gets raw materials delivered and should have all kinds of Industry that is needed to keep a city running. ( smiths, bakeries, potteries, smelters. all kind of medieval industry that work with lots of fire ) I know, that its not historical and probably not even logical but i want it that way.

    btw. it wouldnt really matter if the workshops are within the walls or outsite the problem would be the same

    The solution with making simply smaller blocks is very time consuming and doesn't even look that good if the spacing is too big any other ideas?

  4. #4


    Color code it for building density? Or simply color code it for districts, and include the notes about freestanding buildings in the district descriptions.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

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