Quote Originally Posted by Tiana View Post
But I'm at a point now where I want to be able to make much more "sculpted" objects. Unfortunately I tend to think of things in terms of traditional art, so I think of layering clay, not pulling at virtual points and math. I've heard Zbrush might work well for that purpose, for a more 'sculpting' feel to 3D production but I haven't tried it at this point. I'd love to try doing the 3D sculpting in virtual space in the future.
Blender actually improved its sculpting suite quite a bit in 2.8 from what I've heard. It was pretty workable in 2.79. Grant Abbit has many beginner videos, but I think he recently did quite a few with sculpting. Yan Sculpts uses Blender (I think exclusively) and he is very very good. I'm not sure if he has tutorials, or just timelapses and other sculpting related stuff. And of course, as I mentioned to the OP, there is always Blender Guru, who is just such a fantastic resource for learning.