Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
It's half tempting to get a big printer and just do some print runs of stuff for the Guild.
But printing is a touchy business - costly and easy to make mistakes.
Yeah, there are a lot of reasons why Guild merchandise never quite happens. Probably because I work in admin, I think about the business side of things if we were to do it ourselves. You know, the existential nightmare of processing orders, packaging, international shipping, what if it doesn't arrive, what about dissatisfied customers, the tax situation, someone to deal with random enquiries, upfront costs, etc etc etc...

I know sites like Cafepress take care of much of that stuff for you, but they're moderately expensive and I suspect the quality sucks. Yet, so many sites around the web raise funds from selling t-shirts (for example) and I find myself thinking 'Surely we could do that too...'

Mostly, I just want a Guild mug for my coffee!