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Thread: Kacey's Bookmarks

  1. #51
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    Maine, USA


    I'm still trying to figure out what you're talking about with the trees. I feel like I missed something somewhere
    A picture of terribly horrifying trees or blobby forests or something?
    I don't see it. Nope.
    And on a side note [which is actually probably not so much on the side, now that I typed it all out]... most of the trees and forests on maps, and real trees when you get far enough away, are just simple blobs and shapes that give the impression of trees.
    Most of my paintings and stuffs are just a conglomeration of different sized and shaped bits of color or shading marks. It takes time and practice to get them in the right spot [and I know I miss a lot] but I realized awhile back that it doesn't have to be spot-on perfect to be good and for people to enjoy it, and you can always do another [well, I mean, eventually you can't, but, meh ].
    I have found it useful, and fun, to just enjoy the process [and occasionally quoting Bob Ross or making weird sounds when putting down a ton of little trees ] and experiment - try tons of different ways to draw/paint/color/render the things that are bugging you - and do it like a throw-away sketch that doesn't matter if you get it right or totally f- mess it up. There is fun to be found in playing in mud puddles or equivalent art creation and just getting messy, and you might find that you make something cool and worth following up in a new direction.

    Ok. I'm done. For now.

  2. #52


    A bookmark full of forest then?

    Think I might try one of those

    Bob Ross is one of my hero's too

  3. #53
    Guild Expert
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chashio View Post
    I'm still trying to figure out what you're talking about with the trees. I feel like I missed something somewhere
    A picture of terribly horrifying trees or blobby forests or something?
    I don't see it. Nope.
    And on a side note [which is actually probably not so much on the side, now that I typed it all out]... most of the trees and forests on maps, and real trees when you get far enough away, are just simple blobs and shapes that give the impression of trees.
    Most of my paintings and stuffs are just a conglomeration of different sized and shaped bits of color or shading marks. It takes time and practice to get them in the right spot [and I know I miss a lot] but I realized awhile back that it doesn't have to be spot-on perfect to be good and for people to enjoy it, and you can always do another [well, I mean, eventually you can't, but, meh ].
    I have found it useful, and fun, to just enjoy the process [and occasionally quoting Bob Ross or making weird sounds when putting down a ton of little trees ] and experiment - try tons of different ways to draw/paint/color/render the things that are bugging you - and do it like a throw-away sketch that doesn't matter if you get it right or totally f- mess it up. There is fun to be found in playing in mud puddles or equivalent art creation and just getting messy, and you might find that you make something cool and worth following up in a new direction.

    Ok. I'm done. For now.
    This is what I love about you're work, it always looks so free, and natural, and if there are imperfections they really aren't noticeable, but then I don't look as closely at the work of others as I do my own... It is fun to just zoom out, and scribble, I like doing that in the planning stages and sometimes feel like things look better that way... The map I'm working on now is much more scribbly then normal for me, and when I went to start perfecting things yesterday I was thinking about you're work, and thought no, not this time. I'll have to do a bit of cleaning up before posting, but I'm actively working on loosening up with my art lately, and it's largely because of you so thanks, I've been having more fun with it these past few weeks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    A bookmark full of forest then?

    Think I might try one of those

    Bob Ross is one of my hero's too
    I'll be waiting to see this Mouse, and did you know Bob Ross is on Netflix now, I just noticed it the other day, I love that guy.

  4. #54
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    A bookmark full of forest then?

    Think I might try one of those

    Bob Ross is one of my hero's too
    You seriously just gave me like six more ideas to try with that comment.

    Yes! Forest bookmark! And maybe a bookmark out of a page of tree styles... like I often cover a whole [stack of] sketch page[s] with rows and clumps of trees in one or many styles. I think that could be cool. Let's do it

  5. #55


    Kacey - I used to watch Bob Ross every day on Sky when I had a TV. My only regret is that I didn't even know about him while he was still alive, and he did actually come to a city just 30 miles away from where I've lived all my life when he was on tour in the UK in the 80's. I wish I had known about him back then. I might have got my parents to take me to the exhibition. I might even have met him!

    Chashio - I think Voolf set the precedent for forest bookmarks with his first bookmark, but there's no reason why the rest of us can't have a go

  6. #56
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    Ninja'd me

    Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
    This is what I love about you're work, it always looks so free, and natural, and if there are imperfections they really aren't noticeable, but then I don't look as closely at the work of others as I do my own... It is fun to just zoom out, and scribble, I like doing that in the planning stages and sometimes feel like things look better that way... The map I'm working on now is much more scribbly then normal for me, and when I went to start perfecting things yesterday I was thinking about you're work, and thought no, not this time. I'll have to do a bit of cleaning up before posting, but I'm actively working on loosening up with my art lately, and it's largely because of you so thanks, I've been having more fun with it these past few weeks.
    You actually made me tear up with that comment. Thank you.
    And I know exactly what you mean and have done/felt the same or similar things regarding planning stages and free- or fun-feeling sketches and then trying to perfect stuff... and getting frustrated and/or not liking it so much anymore... and judging/critiquing your own works harder [because you can see all the places you don't like]... [shakes head]
    Not a great feeling. Nope. It's tough to get out of such patterns and become looser, but it's a lot more friendly and nice-feeling when you manage to give yourself a break.
    I've often joked [though, honestly, there's a bunch of truth in it] that I should just make a career out of sketches. But I also love the bigger projects. It's a balancing act and troublesome, knowing/guessing when to do more and when to let it be sketchy. [shrug] I just try to be mindful and adjust things when I notice it's not making me happy.

    Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
    I'll be waiting to see this Mouse, and did you know Bob Ross is on Netflix now, I just noticed it the other day, I love that guy.
    I'm going to have to look Bob up on Netflix. Thanks for noticing that.

  7. #57
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Chashio - I think Voolf set the precedent for forest bookmarks with his first bookmark, but there's no reason why the rest of us can't have a go
    Haha, yep. Forgot.

  8. #58
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
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    Both bookmarks are great and I like your forest experiments, you should further them. take it form someone who overcame his hate of forests by sheer wrist-force !

  9. #59
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    Thanks Thomas! I'm glad I'm not the only one and you seem to have overcome them quite well.

  10. #60


    I'll have it printed

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