Quote Originally Posted by AaronSchmidt View Post
I am digging the hand drawn style. The buildings are great.

The huge cave made me think that part of this city is always in shadow. And if they are in darkness so often then that means artificial light is very necessary. So is one of the guilds a lighting guild? Do the criminal elements use the darkness to their advantage?

When I saw that huge long winding passage up the cliff face I thought it would be an arduous journey. Pilgrims from below might make the journey to the top. "What would they find there?" I think as I look at that unfinished space.

The map got my imagination moving. Thanks
Thanks, man! I appreciate it.

Well, I'll add a temporary directional from where the sun shines from on Noonday. It never really goes overhead over Nessa'Mor, with the city being a bit more North. (Think Europe.)
But you are right, the shadow of the arch adds a different dynamic. Even on full moon nights, there are times throughout the night that a big shadow is cast over the underside of that arch.
I was thinking in the line that definitely there are criminals that use that to their advantage, and so a guild was born with the exact purpose of keeping the city safe from those that would use the shadows for malicious intent by mastering stealth for good.
And thanks, it's a good idea to have a guild that is big on the lights for the city. I'm quite a fan of glowing stones or the like for light.

About the pilgrimage, well that I still want to think about. I'm torn between having a castle area up top or a important monument. Or ruins or a castle and a forest. Any suggestions are welcome.

Anyway here is another color TEST, I'm still weighing my options on it.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Nessa'Mor_ColorTest2_ByOmriHope.jpeg 
Views:	36 
Size:	1.94 MB 
ID:	95741