Hey, I'm new hear so I apologize if this is a lot to ask for right off the bat.

As someone who plays games like SimCity 4, Cities Skylines, and OpenTTD, I like to use real world locations in my games to make my own cities or transport companies.

So recently I found out about EarthExplorer which I can use to download DEM's or Digital Elevation Maps. I went with GTOPO30 because it covers larger area's like all of Canada without having huge differences in brightness/elevations.

So I have this here that I stiched together for a map of canada I want to make : https://www.dropbox.com/s/pwh2whljwk...A_DEM.png?dl=0

I need something or someway to convert it from Equirectangular to Mercator projection as the north looks way too smooshed and makes it hard to build far up north in games with so little land in the north on an equirectanular map.

I did try out NASA's G.Projector and got half decent results but even when I exported the maximum supported resolution of 15000x7500 I could only get a usable 4150x2819 sized image and I dont even need all of it as I just want Canada.

I need something that can reproject that heightmap I linked to a high resolution Mercator projection map, I'd prefer something that can at least provide something over 4096x4096 as I want a nice square map of Canada at 4096x4096 Size (so that means what ever gets exported needs to be even larger).

I hope someone can help. For now I'll just have to work with my 2500x2500 image to make a smaller map for my games. Upscaling maps makes them look so bad.