Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
Thanks Daniel.

First i use rectangle tool to draw perfectly right angles roofs. I rotate every rectangle so every each is facing the way i want. Unfortunately in Krita rotating make the lines looks worse, so this is just a preparation phase to me. After i got every rectangle placed (which will be my roofs sides), i create new layer and use line tool with pressure senstivity and i draw every line with my tablet on new layer. I don't know if PS has this function now, but 2 years back i could not use Line tool with pen pressure in PS. I love that function in Krita. That allows me to create straight lines with the exact weight i want (it makes line thinner and thicker as i press harder or lighter on all its lenght). I follow the rectangles lines to get the perfecty right angle for my roofs.
After that i draw every addition on roofs more or less to much the right angle. This was a bit difficult at the beginning, but after some practice i get better and faster with it.

For the curved lines i use basic brush tool with stabilizer to make them nice and smooth.

All of this is a workaround for me, beause you have much more control over your strokes when you draw on a paper or display (which you can see both the pen and your hand) When you work with simple tablet waching not your hand, but pc screen it's nearly impossible to draw right angles, or two perfectly parallel lines. I use this method only for building. Any other maps i use basic round hard brush with pressure sensivity for my lines.
Thank you very much for your detailed explanation, Voolf! Very much appreciated (:

As for the plank sizes. I don't think they're too large, really. Maybe slightly, but nothing that stands out to me. I'm not sure what the 'more sketchy bridges without precision strokes' will look like, but I think the style that you've got now fits very well with the map, so if it doesn't bother you too much I would say: keep it. Let's hear what the others have to say.