Thank you Elterio. I will think about potential abstract representations border patterns.

I am thinking about "3D" DNA sample representations, including admixture analysis to the data available now for Y-DNA subclade. That is, I want to associate data like this here from ancient DNA samples into a map like this one from Nature , although this one was made by sample age.

While I was looking for these pictures, I saw that something similar has already been done.

In my case, I want to associate a histogram shape with each subclade (as it is done now), so R1b = square (i.e. square prism in 3D), R1a = circle (i.e. cylinder in 3D), I = triangle (i.e. triangular prism in 3D), etc.

Quote Originally Posted by Creativetides View Post
Wow very indepth map love it
Thank you very much. But in fact, time periods represented are long, so data is scarce, that's why I state "diachronic" in the maps' titles. Also, I have not taken care of sea levels and other changes to shores, especially in river deltas, and climate, vegetation, etc. for each period. So there is a lot to be done yet.