Ohey there~

Thanks for stopping by. I'm a really new addition to the site, I've spent some time browsing the web looking for a talented cartographer and finally came across this guild in my travels. So here's the sitch: while I can write freakish amounts of text by the minute, my art skills suck... I'm useless at putting pen to paper unless it's literature. So, I'd like to discuss terms with someone who wouldn't mind doing numerous maps of this particular world.

Essentially this will be used in something we're hoping to publish. While I'm familiar with copyright laws, we'd need to discuss what you're happy with in terms of usage and the like.


First and foremost, we'd be asking for around five maps... to begin with.

We have a world, named Ulthro , which is then divided into four quadrants, Northern being named Caelum, Eastern named Orilaros, Southern is called Paema and Western, Octulus.

We would need a world map followed by a detailed map of each quadrant. There is plenty information of each quadrant and we will share as we go further with the commission. However, you can assume when we ask for detailed, me mean professional. This therefore requires us to negotiate a fair rate which will include whatever usage agreements we settle on.

We can either do payment per map or in bulk.

The specifications of the maps will be discussed further down the track once we've gotten a fair idea of just how big the job will be.

If you'd like to know more information, I can be contacted via PM or email: caughtintheriddle@gmail.com

I look forward to hearing from any of you!

And if you have any questions, feel free to ask below!

Thanks for reading~

- sraurasarus