Following up on a request from Remy Monsen at the ProFantasy forum (and author of the Tome of Ultimate Mapping), we've published an online troubleshooting guide and FAQ for CC3+. We worked with Remy on the content of this and added trouble reports he received as well as those that have come into our own support service. Originally we intended to deal only with problems some people have with our own add-ins for CC3+, but so many of the problems also occur with straight CC3+ installations without 3rd party add-ons that we expanded it to cover those areas too.

The webpage has a hyperlink theme index and with each topic includes a description, the causes for the problems and the solutions. It deals, among other things, with such issues as red Xs where symbols (objects) and fills (textures) should appear, missing icons in toolbars, etc. Problem descriptions and solutions are illustrated with screen shots.

Usage is free. It's at: