Quote Originally Posted by ladiestorm View Post
Is it too late to get in on this? I would love to try, but I have a question first. Do these maps have to be finished by the end of 2017? I can't do a 2017 deadline, because the rest of my December up to Christmas, is already full finishing hand crafted Christmas gifts! but if it doesn't have to be finished before the end of 2017, I would like to take one... perhaps 58? or 61? I would be happy with either one of those...

Just let me know if I can take part
Hey Storm
Nope, it's not too late and no, they don't have a deadline [per se].
We just wanted to prod some activity or clear up countries that were not getting used.
It had seemed like we had more people who were wanting to jump in at an earlier time.

Whichever you want, just let me know so i can mark it as taken.