Sharing my experience.

I forsook Microsoft about ten years ago. I was tired of wiping my hard drive and having a clean install every two month.

Macs are easy machines to work with IF you do not do fancy stuff. Many programs cannot be run on Macs but you still can with OS emulators and such.

My machine is a Macbook Air with 8 GB of RAM and, while I have had next to no crashing problems, it's starting to not be enough when my browser and Photoshop are running at the same time and let's be honest, the web is a reference source we use pretty often. The problem is that Apple builds machines that are hardly tweakable. If you want to upgrade the RAM, for example, it's pretty hard as every piece of hardware is glued or soldered AND sometimes, the highest and newest RAM chips are not supported by your machine (I know it can be changed but that's a hazardous procedure that requires finesse and knowledge). These days, 16 GB is the top you can get on a laptop on Macs. Another problem is the graphic chip which is, at least on my beast, 8hitty. MacBooks Pro have better ones and retina screen.

Just know that Macs are not the cure to everything. I'll add one thing, I haven't updated my OS for 4 years as I still want to keep a bit of available RAM for my softwares ... Were I a bit courageous, I'd go for Linux but I decided I never wanted to learn more computer knowledge than was strictly necessary. Apple is a good middle ground for me.