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Thread: Krita 4 - can't scale fill pattern?

  1. #1

    Default Krita 4 - can't scale fill pattern?

    Hi, I'm getting back into making maps for my rpg group. I bought CC3+ years ago, still use it, but I decided to try learning making maps with a more general tool that would allow a bit more freedom, mostly to do battlemaps while keeping CC3 for overland maps. Beside doing basic stuff with gimp/paint .net, trying to do battlemaps with those kind of software is new territory for me. Photoshop is out of the question, simply because this is a part-time hobby for me and paying 240$CAN per year is basically throwing money out the window. I've got two kids taking care of that already. I've tried gimp, but tutorials never fit the latest version so it is confusing and it doesn't click somehow.

    Then, based on posts here, I took a look at Affinity Photo(affordable) and Krita(free). Trying to find a tutorial to make battlemaps for those is impossible, so instead I followed this photoshop tutorial, but I went through it using Affinity Photo first. Functionalities in AP are close enough to PS that I managed to go through it with a nice result! I encountered a few bugs in it, mostly with the zoom and resizing, but development seems constant so I'm hopefull they will be fixed. The forums are very active too and finding answers to questions was easy.

    So now I am trying to go through the tutorial again using krita 4.1.7, but I'm encountering a problem on step 2, trying to scale the filling pattern. I simply cannot find how to scale the pattern. Anyone knows how to do this with krita? I'd love to make this work because I have to say, the brushes in krita are amazing. I fiddled with some texture brushes and my jaw dropped on some of them(I'm new to all it might not be jaw dropping for most people here, but it was for me ) Resizing imported images also seems superior in krita. I saw some pixelisation in AP while resizing.

  2. #2


    I think I found a way it's done in krita. If, instead of using a fill layer, I do a layer->import -> import as paint layer and then select the tile, I can then transform/scale it to fill the area. But it's not as flexible as it is in Affinity Photo where I can scale the repeating pattern to 75% of the canvas and the 25% remaining will be filled by the repeated tile. If anyone familiar with krita might confirm it is the best way to do it I'd appreciate it

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