"St Alana's Monastery - The Patron Saint of Dragon Taming" - Brand New Map! St Alana's Monastery is a Relatively Small Religious Order, Which Houses a Historical Cruciform Chapel, a Cloister, Bathroom and Washing Facilities, a Library for Research and Study, 5 Basic Monks Cells, an Abbot's Residency, Guest Accommodation for Short Term Retreats, a Kitchen and Refectory, Plus a Very Modest Sized Cemetery. The Actual Chapel is Open to Both Members of The Religious Order and the Local Worshipping Community. Access to the Remainder of the Building is Restricted to Priests, Monks, Clerics, Druids, the Abbot and Visiting Guests on Retreat. Inside the Chapel Entrance is a Baptismal Font, a Stoup with Holy Water, plus Pillars and Pews. There are in Total 3 Reredos Features at each of the 3 Altars. A Central Carpet Extends from the Main Chapel Entrance Towards the Altar. A Pulpit for Preaching is Located at the Centre-Left Hand Side of the Building. A Wooden Trapdoor Exists Within the Right-Hand Side Minor Chapel and this Lifts Up to Reveal Stone Steps Leading Down to an Ancient Crypt. The Library includes Sacred and Religious Texts, Maps, Documents, Records, Medicinal and Herbal Remedy Books, Amongst Other Interesting Titles. Doors are Represented on the Map by Black Rectangles and Windows By Crosses (X). The Monk's Cells Contain a Simple Bed, a Prayer Kneeler, a Desk, Toilet Facilities and a Wash Bowl. Guest's En-Suite Retreat Accommodation Rooms Have Been Furnished With a Simple Bed, a Prayer Kneeler, Bath and Toilet Facilities, A Table and Chair, Plus a Wash Bowl. Monastery Floors are Constructed of Stone Paving or Wooden Floorboards.
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