Thanks to the Other World Mapper users who downloaded the VCC 1st alpha and sent us error reports in the last few days. Other than our spelling of "Cartographic" as "Cartgographic" in the Setup program, the errors all were in missing and wrong textures.

We've fixed that and have uploaded a second alpha version now. Those who want it and who haven't downloaded yet should go here: (430 MB)

Those who already installed the first alpha should go for this patch instead: (300 KB)

Updaters need to:

1. Unzip the file into a temporary folder. It contains a folder named Templates and a PDF file.

2. Read the PDF file to see how to install the patch.

The full Other World Mapper version of manual for the collection now is available too. It not only has installation instructions but also is chock full of information: - 24 MB)

Where from here? We'll take this release through beta to full release and then issue one more product that will add dungeon material. After that, we'll look at whether there's enough interest to warrant releasing the rest of our products in OWM format.
