Hey! Good job so far. It is coming along nicely.

I do, however, want to point out something. I couldn't help but notice two parts of your cave, "Heaven" and "Hell", it is something that is so often overused in fiction to denote specific places. I feel a little creativity is needed to grab attention, something with a bit of specific story for makes those places carry the weight of those names. Heaven points to a paradise and hell points to a place of fire and utter and complete darkness. Why are those places in the cave significant? Is there something that points to that? I feel giving some creative thought to those places will give more meaning.
Maybe something like "Obsidian Abyss" and "Heavenly Window". Suddenly there are clues and intrigue. Why is it Obsidian and what is in the abyss? What is through that window? People like mystery.

I hope this helps.