So I am not one to start simple, apparently. I started GIMP a couple weeks ago and I am now in the process of teaching myself Python to help automate interactive brush creation. Anyway, here is what I am trying.

I'd like to make a brush that emulates wagon tracks. I am currently working on a brush canvas about 70x70 pixels, mostly transparent with some blurred dots to represent the tracks. I have 72 images in the brush, single dimensional tied in 5 degree steps to the angular selection.

I am just not having much luck getting it to look like I am after and wondering if anyone knows of a good tutorial that I could take a look at or another angular brush I could deconstruct as an example? If you'd like the gih I have made so far I am happy to share, but ideally pointing me in the right direction usually helps me learn better.

Thanks in advance.

- Ernie